Friday, May 27, 2011

Saving Greens

I didn't find all that much advice on-line about how to save garden greens for use in green smoothies. Our garden is producing more than we can use. So I am going to try two methods and see which we like best.

Method 1: Clean the greens and then shove them into a freezer zip-lock bag.

Method 2: Clean the greens and blend them with some water in the Vitamix, then freeze in some mason jars.

There was a little bit of left over blended greens that we didn't have room for in the mason jars. So we did a couple shots! It tasted a lot like I would expect mowed grass to taste.

1 comment:

  1. I read that throwing washed greens in a baggie into the freezer works great! I think your jars of blended smoothies would be fine, too. I think I may have read that freshly blended greens offer the most nutrition, so perhaps the baggies would be the optimum choice. I wish we had this problem!! haha!
