Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Need recipie that isn't green (or brown)

So three people at work have started a green smoothie routine. Two others are are warming up to the idea. But, one guy refuses to try what I bring because it's green.

So my question is, has anyone made a non-green (and non-brown) smoothie that would be appealing to my hard-headed green-hating co-worker? I need a good recipe. Thanks.


  1. Green smoothie girl suggests using frozen berries to make it purple. But I tried it this morning and it wasn't very good- even with a banana in it. I think the blackberries were too seedy. I used a mix with blueberries, raspberries, blackberries, and strawberries that I got at Walmart. Maybe it needed some honey.

  2. I used carrots, cantaloupe, strawberries, peaches, and pineapple. It was good the night I made it, but the next morning when I shared it, it was bitter. :-(

  3. I have a good one! It is totally pink: Segmented and squeezed grapefruit (no white divider thingies or white pulp from the peel), cranberries, lemon and honey. Use alfalfa sprouts for the greens! You can probably do it without the cranberries or the lemons. It is one of my favorites!

  4. MMM! I made one today that has baby spinach, almost 2 bags of strawberries and an apple with a touch of stevia. It was reddish brown...but I guess that is more like diareah...i mean diaBreeah.
